Thursday, July 11, 2002

Fear and Loathing in Mexico

Day 50

Sometimes it is really hard being Mexican. As a fifty day member, I feel isolated in my new community. Everyone is always speaking Mexicanese around me. Jonathan took some Spanish in high school, but not enough to get
anything practical accomplished. All he remembers is "dónde está la tienda de zapatos" which doesn't come up as much as you'd expect. I can't understand why Tim Robbins thought it was a good idea to come to Mexico in Shawshank Redemption.

Sleeping with Jonathan is nice enough though. He's like a small space heater with a deviated septum. He has a shy bladder, but beyond that he makes a great roommate. Now off to bed. More Mexican adventures soon!

Day 51

something really awful just happened to jonathan and i. we both had a nightmare. i thought i saw warren. i cant remember much of it but there was a phrase in mexicanese that jonathan is looking up right now. my hands are shaking so bad, but thanks to mrs telnocks 8th grade typing class i will always have steady hands in home row.
jonathan says the phrase means: it eats you starting with your bottom.
i'm not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean, but it scares the pants off me.
we're going to try going back to sleep now. night.

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